Job Interviews (firsts)

Wow, can you get more nervous than that?

I got my very first job interview tomorrow, which i’m really really looking forward to, but at the same time dead scared about. its a great opportunity for me and i don’t want to screw up.

I’ve been told by the employer that its going to be an informal interview, which made me go, oh what on earth am i going to wear. now the position I applied for is a casual position but then again not too casual. so casual clothing is not an option. i decided on smart casual. which would have that classy smart look to it but at the same time be laid-back and not overpowering.

So I was nervous on whats gonna happen and what I’m going to say, and I decided to play it cool, take a deep breath, answer any questions he may ask me, be polite and respectful, but most importantly as cliche as it is, BE YOURSELF.

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