
The Internet is full of blogs, some have the time to read them and some don’t  yet people post so many entries just to put out an opinion, I’ve come to the conclusion that a blog is a window into the mind of a blogger and all his opinions.

I’ve always wanted to blog but I never really got into it until now, I’m studying for my Higher National Diploma in Interactive Media at SAITM a local private university and a lecturer made it mandatory that we have a blog, also noting it a pass criteria for the subject. I think think he did something great, honestly I would have never got around to blogging if not.

In addition to all the normal posts he wants up there, I will treat this blog as my own and post anything and everything that crosses my mind. Which I hope a lot of my classmates do, because it encourages us to put forth our opinions, communicate with  society and helps us express ourselves more.

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